West Texas H.O.G.

Welcome to the home of the West Texas Chapter of the Harley Owners Group. We invite you to look around this site and learn a little more about who we are and what we do. Here’s a hint: We ride motorcycles! So if you share our passion….Gear up, saddle up and let’s go ride!

Checkout the Calendar page to get more information on when and where we ride. Our monthly meetings are the first Tuesday of every month at various restaurants around town. Check our membership page for information on joining.

Special Event posters including the Monthly HOG Calendar are found above this by using the menu buttons on the tool bar under the above Chapter Banner!!!

WTX Chapter Enrollment Form And Release – Must be a National HOG Member


Chapter Enrollment Form And Release – Must be a National HOG Member


Chapter Enrollment Form And Release – Must be a National HOG Member


Kent’s Celebrates 10 Years in Current Location

Hey all, dont forget about the big party tomorrow, here at Kents, free burgers and dogs 11am to 2pm(or when we run out) with the Blues Band “CRYING OUT LOUD” playing during that time, from 3pm to 6pm you will have “BICYCLE ARMY” playing classic rock. (winners of the FIND IT OR GET LOST will be announced at 3pm, so I’ve been told), at 7pm we will have the #1 Tribute band from Austin, “THE EGGMEN” doing a Beatles and British Invasion shindig.

For the risky of us, remember the peoples choice “Hippy” contest, the best liked (good or bad) Hippy will win a $50.00 gift certificate (got that Ivy), and we will have food for sale on site after 4 pm, two different vendors……. as always its BYOLC and BYOB (bring your own lawn chair and bring your own beverage of choice)……..
See ya there, Steve Hood

10 Years at Current Location Party

Hey all, dont forget about the big party tomorrow, here at Kents, free burgers and dogs 11am to 2pm(or when we run out) with the Blues Band “CRYING OUT LOUD” playing during that time, from 3pm to 6pm you will have “BICYCLE ARMY” playing classic rock. (winners of the FIND IT OR GET LOST will be announced at 3pm, so I’ve been told), at 7pm we will have the #1 Tribute band from Austin, “THE EGGMEN” doing a Beatles and British Invasion shindig……. For the risky of us, remember the peoples choice “Hippy” contest, the best liked (good or bad) Hippy will win a $50.00 gift certificate (got that Ivy), and we will have food for sale on site after 4 pm, two different vendors……. as always its BYOLC and BYOB (bring your own lawn chair and bring your own beverage of choice)……..
See ya there, Steve Hood